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About Cramers

Cramers Gallery of Nature carries on the work started by the Kronen-Verlag Erich Cramer publishing company some 60 years ago.

Cramers Gallery of Nature owns the rights to the Kronen-Verlag Erich Cramer collection, a series of nature illustrations of high artistic merit dating back primarily to the 1950s and ‘60s. Cramers’ mission is to once more make these exquisite illustrations available to a worldwide audience.

The collection comprises drawings by well-known artists. Its unique value lies in the stunning detail and accuracy of the drawings, their scientific importance cemented by the input of countless natural scientists. The collection consists mainly of drawings of plants and fungi, animals, insects and minerals.

In terms of target market, Cramers Gallery of Nature is aimed at lovers of nature and art and those with a general interest in the sciences. Cramers is also interested in selling specific commercial rights in certain drawings to business customers.

Cramers Gallery of Nature makes every effort to provide the illustrations to its customers in optimal quality, subject, of course, to the affects of age on some of the original works. At the same time, Cramers Gallery of Nature uses the latest media technology to make access to the collection as easy and simple as possible. Sales will be concluded on the basis of contracts that conform with usual commercial practice.

For questions or information on special projects, please contact: info@cramers-gallery.com.


„Cramers Gallery of Nature“ 

Locarno, 2020