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Franz Murr (1887 – 1964)


He was considered an introverted and quiet person, was a painter and possessed exceptional skills in the field of scientific illustration. He drew for the Kronen-Verlag Erich Cramer for many years. His works captivate with the highest attention to detail. He was undoubtedly one of the greatest animal artists of his generation.

He spent three years of his life in Argentina, where he recorded his impressions of the birds and fish living there in watercolours. His artwork can be found in the KOSMOS publishing house (1955), in the publishing house Bernd Meise (Naturgeschichte der Vögel, 1959) and in contributions of the Ornithological Society of Bavaria. For the latter, he also drew their logo, the Nutcracker. The beginning of the cooperation between him and the Kronen-Verlag dates back to the 1950s. He produced numerous originals for the Central European Birds and the Mammals work of the Kronen-Verlag.

Sometimes there were difficult assignments to master. For example, Franz Murr noted: "Enclosed you will find drawing 44 “Gürtelmaus” (armadillo mouse), unfortunately somewhat delayed, as the animal caused great difficulties. It is, after all, one of the most difficult animals to depict, especially since it lives completely underground and comes to the surface only very rarely and supposedly only once at night."

Drawings from Franz Murr

Carrion crow

Art.Nr. 4002w

Hooded crow

Art.Nr. 4003w


Art.Nr. 4004w

Eurasian jackdaw

Art.Nr. 4005_1w

Eurasian jackdaw

Art.Nr. 4005w


Art.Nr. 4006w

Spotted Nutcracker

Art.Nr. 4007w

Eurasian Jay

Art.Nr. 4008_1w


Art.Nr. 4011_1w

European Greenfinch

Art.Nr. 4012w

European goldfinch

Art.Nr. 4013w

Eurasian Siskin

Art.Nr. 4014w


Art.Nr. 4015w

Common Redpoll

Art.Nr. 4016w

Lesser Redpoll

Art.Nr. 4017w

European Serin

Art.Nr. 4018w

Eurasian Bullfinch

Art.Nr. 4019w

Common Rosefinch

Art.Nr. 4020w


Art.Nr. 4021w


Art.Nr. 4022w


Art.Nr. 4023w

Corn bunting

Art.Nr. 4024w


Art.Nr. 4025_1w

Cirl bunting

Art.Nr. 4026w

Rock bunting

Art.Nr. 4029w

Snow finch

Art.Nr. 4030_1w

Streaked Rock Sparrow

Art.Nr. 4031w

House sparrow

Art.Nr. 4032w

Crested lark

Art.Nr. 4034w

Wood lark

Art.Nr. 4035w

Sly lark, skylark

Art.Nr. 4036w

Grey wagtail

Art.Nr. 4040w


Art.Nr. 4042w


Art.Nr. 4044w

Great tit

Art.Nr. 4046w

Blue tit

Art.Nr. 4047w

Coal tit

Art.Nr. 4048w

Crested tit

Art.Nr. 4049w

Marsh tit

Art.Nr. 4050w

Long-tailed tit

Art.Nr. 4052w

Penduline tit

Art.Nr. 4053w

Red-backed shrike

Art.Nr. 4055w

Spotted Flycatcher

Art.Nr. 4056w

European Pied Flycatcher

Art.Nr. 4057w

Red-breasted Flycatcher

Art.Nr. 4058w


Art.Nr. 4059w


Art.Nr. 4060w

Common Chiffchaff

Art.Nr. 4061w

Willow Warbler

Art.Nr. 4062w

Grasshopper Warbler

Art.Nr. 4065w

Sedge Warbler

Art.Nr. 4066w

Great Reed Warbler

Art.Nr. 4067w

Eurasian Reed Warbler

Art.Nr. 4068w

Icterine Warbler

Art.Nr. 4070w

Garden Warbler

Art.Nr. 4071w


Art.Nr. 4072w


Art.Nr. 4073w

Lesser Whitethroat

Art.Nr. 4074w


Art.Nr. 4075w

Mistle Thrush

Art.Nr. 4076w

Song Thrush

Art.Nr. 4077w

Ring Ouzel

Art.Nr. 4079w

Common Blackbird

Art.Nr. 4080w

Northern Wheatear

Art.Nr. 4081w


Art.Nr. 4082w

European Stnechat

Art.Nr. 4083w

Common Redstart

Art.Nr. 4084w

Black Redstart

Art.Nr. 4085w

Rufous Nightingale

Art.Nr. 4086w

Thrush Nightingale

Art.Nr. 4087w

European robin

Art.Nr. 4088w


Art.Nr. 4089w

Winter Wren

Art.Nr. 4090w

White-throated Dipper

Art.Nr. 4091w

Barn Swallow

Art.Nr. 4092w

House Martin

Art.Nr. 4093w

Sand Martin

Art.Nr. 4094w

Green Woodpecker

Art.Nr. 4095w

Great Spotted Woodpecker

Art.Nr. 4096w

White-backed Woodpecker

Art.Nr. 4097w